The SEO Techniques that worked for me.
I would like to start this article by saying that I am new to SEO techniques. I started studying online where I gained most of my knowledge about SEO.
The techniques and tips that I learned, I started applying right away, and my website started moving very rapidly from page to page toward the all important first page.
I would like now to share some of the techniques and tips with you.
Tip #1 Pick a relevant domain name.
What I mean by that is pick a domain name that has in it the keywords that searchers are typing in. This is called type- in traffic or direct traffic. By so doing, it will not only bring extra visitors to your site; it will help bring you closer to the first page results.
Tip #2 Place keywords in your title.
Don't waste valuable space by putting your company's name in the title, unless your company's name has relevant keywords in it.
Tip #3 Place keywords in you meta tag description.
This is where Google prefers to get information on what your website is about or what you are offering.
Tip #4 Have at least 500 words of relevant content.
Google likes it, if at least three of your pages each has 150 to 250 words of relevant content.
Tip #5 Add only relevant back links.
Add back links that are both relevant and authoritative.
Google rewards you for these types of back links.
Tip #6 Use social media
Take advantage of YouTube, Facebook, twitter, Google +, and LinkedIn just to name a few.
Each of these social media website can really help your ranking.
Even though YouTube is the second larges search engine in the world it doesn't affect your page ranking directly, but it can help indirectly. If you have a popular video, there will be an increase in traffic to your site. This can result in more clicks,more back links,and more comments, which can then increase the ranking of your site in key word searches.
Research information on Facebook, twitter, Google +, and LinkedIn for they each have their own special way of helping you with your SEO Work.
Tip #7 Write an article on a subject that you have gained some knowledge in and submit it to websites like
This is where I am at now in my quest to get my main website pages to number one of all the major search engines.
Of course, there are many other SEO techniques and tips, but the ones that I have shared with you has helped me get to both the first and second page of Google.
I hope that should you try these tips that you make it to goggles first page in less than 12 weeks.
Good Luck!!
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